* Our waiting room is closed, please stay in your car. All services will be done curbside.
Diagnostic Laboratory
Pets hide disease well. Baseline and diagnostic tests ensure we catch illness as soon as possible.
Our animal companions cannot tell us when or where something is bothering them and many illnesses or injuries that may affect your pet simply cannot be detected on the surface of the skin. Our on-site Idexx Vetlab suite allows us to perform the majority of our laboratory testing in house for fast and accurate results. We also use Idexx reference laboratory (located in Grafton) for tests that we can’t conduct here at the hospital. We are confident the combination of in-house testing ability and outside reference laboratory services will allow us the flexibility to handle our patient needs.
On-site Laboratory
Reference Laboratory
Similar to the VetSuite, Reference laboratory results can download directly into our patients’ medical records through our specialized practice software and can be accessed on the web
Fecal analysis – using a high speed centrifuge yields better results
Microbiology – culture growth and antibiotic sensitivity testing
Cytology – analyzing cells from needle aspirates or fluids under the microscope
Histopathology (biopsy) – microscopic evaluation of tissue, most common to look for cancer
Endocrine testing – quantifying thyroid, adrenal, growth hormone levels, etc.
Therapeutic drug monitoring – check levels of drugs in the blood to ensure proper dosing
Economical panels – which combines many tests for one lower price to the client
Infectious disease testing & screening such as quantifying Lyme C6 levels.
Idexx VetLab Station – stores and consolidates all the data from the different Idexx machines
Consolidates results from a single patient onto one report.
Downloads results directly into patients electronic medical record.
Eliminates transcription errors or lost test results.
Urinalysis Analyzer – for accurate and consistent reading of urine chemistry test strips
SediVue Dx Urine Sediment Analyzer – for urine sediment analysis for in-house urine testing
Catalyst Dx – for routine biochemical panels and for measuring electrolyte levels- Na, K, and Cl
ProCyte Dx – performs CBCs for blood cell counts and analysis
Idexx snap tests – for certain disease yield results in less than 20 minutes
4DX - test for Heartworm, Lyme, Anaplasmosis, and Ehrlichia (dogs)
Triple screen - Feline Leukemia, FIV, & feline heartworm antigen (cats)
Parvo virus