* Our waiting room is closed, please stay in your car. All services will be done curbside.
Welcome to Healthy Paws Client Education Center!
Here you will find straightforward, accurate and current veterinary medical information. We encourage clients to learn about their pet’s medical conditions, treatment options, and long-term prognosis. We aim to provide clients the information they need to make the BEST medical decision for their pets and their family situation.
What does Preventative Care include and why is it important?
Parasite Control- ticks, fleas, mites, GI worms
Heartworm disease & prevention
Importance of Laboratory screening
Health benefits of spaying / neutering your pet
Zoonotic diseases – What are the diseases common to pets and humans?
Learn more information about zoonotic diseases via CDC website - click HERE
Lyme disease
West Nile Virus
Roundworm (Toxacara)
Ringworm (Dermatophytosis)
Cat Scratch Disease / fever

Helpful Websites
Beware of the internet! Although there are many reputable websites, there are also many with outdated or anecdotal information and a few with incorrect information. To ensure our clients get the most accurate and relevant veterinary information, we have compiled a list of recommended web sites.
VeterinaryPartner.com - Up to date accurate animal health information written by veterinarians
Pet Helpful - Human foods and drinks that are poisonous or unhealthy for dogs and cats
Homes Alive - Dangerous garden plants for dogs
Home Advisor - Pet safety, leaving your dog or cat home alone
Heartworm Society - All about heartworm disease, prevention, treatment, prevalence
Dogsandticks.com - Information about ticks, tick prevention & diseases they carry
Companion Animal Parasite Council Guidelines - Great information about parasites, pets, and their families
The American Kennel Club - Purebred dog registry, dog events, and responsible dog ownership promotions
Dog Breeds A-Z - Illustrated list of dog breeds
The Cat Fanciers Association - Information regarding cat shows, cat breeds and cat care
Cat Care Resources - Cat care resources categorized by topic and type
Pet Finder - Search engine used to find adoptable pets, locating shelters and rescue groups