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Foster Kittens

In June one of our technicians began fostering this beautiful mama kitty named Phoenix for Brown Dog Coalition. Can you guess how many kittens she was expecting?! 🌸


Kitten report 🌸

On July 1st Phoenix gave birth to 6 beautiful kittens! From day 1 Phoenix was the sweetest and most attentive mother. Newborn kittens are born with their eyes closed and ears folded. At this age the kittens are spending most of the day sleeping.


Kitten report - week 1 🌸

Mama Phoenix is an absolute love bug who loves to cuddle anyone who comes her way. Her kittens are healthy and growing stronger everyday! The kitten's eyes are still closed here but we can't wait to see what color they will each grow to have, any guesses?


Kitten report - week 2 🌸

Mama Phoenix taking care of all her beautiful babies. Between week 2 and 3 they began opening their eyes! Can you guess who opened their eyes first?!


Kitten report - week 3 🌸

Not every kitten's eyes are quite open but they're almost there! Hard to believe how fast they grow. Can you guess their genders?!


Kitten report - weeks 4-6 🌸

The kittens are growing up so quickly! They spend all of their time playing, eating & sleeping. Life is good!

3 girls and 3 boys <3


Kitten report - week 7 🌸

Brown Dog Coalition kittens at Healthy Paws!! Any day filled with kittens is a good day and we enjoyed giving these precious babies as many snuggles as possible.


Kitten report - week 8 🌸

These beautiful babies will be ready to go to their forever homes August 26, 2019. If you are looking to add adopt a new family member you can apply at:

Phoenix (mom)

Phoenix is incredible. Not only is she an amazing momma, but she is a love to everyone she meets. She loves to be cradled like a baby and wants you to bring her everywhere you go. She definitely has a lot to say and it is so much fun to have her around. 

Brooklyn (orange stripe) F

Brooklyn is the most adventurous kitten in the litter. She loves to play and explore, then settle in to your lap to snuggle. 

Vienna (muted calico) F Vienna is sweet and gentle. She takes a more cautious approach then some of her siblings but she is full of love. 

Paris (tortie) F

Paris is a love. She always wants to be part of the action and eagerly comes running when you call her. 

Denver (tan & white) M

Denver is a snugglebug. He just wants to be cuddled and told how cute he is.

Vegas (orange & white) M

Vegas is a sweetie who absolutley loves to talk. He will sit in your lap and tell you all about his day.

Boston (black & white) M

Boston is the smallest in the litter but that doesn't stop him from keeping up with his siblings. He is brave and bold, playing and exploring everywhere he can.


Brown Dog Coalition Author/Photography: Meghan Lauro



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